Author Archive
Questions you should ask yourself before applying for EVS
How to beat homesickness when you are living abroad?
Taking your skills to the next level – online learning platforms
Craioveni, why you don’t vote?
Free elections and being able to choose the authorities of a country, region or city in which one lives is a privilege of democracy. Last Sunday people of Craiova were choosing the new mayor of the city. It may seem that choosing local authorities such as the mayor of the city would be an important case for the inhabitants. Although, was it like this last Sunday?
O săptămână de distracţie pentru craioveni
Săptămâna care doar ce s-a încheiat a fost una plină pentru craioveni. Cu ocazia sărbătoririi zilelor Craiovei, aceştia au putut participa la diverse activităţi gândite pentru toate categoriile de vârstă, cum ar fi: expoziţii de fotografii vechi, de maşini, de flori, dar şi standuri cu produse handmade, cu haine tradiţionale şi un simulator de realitate virtuală.
Memories from youth exchange “Rights 4 Employment”
For young people, especially after finishing school or graduating from university, entering the labour market is very difficult. It is crucial for them to know their rights and how to effectively present themselves to future emplyers. Erasmus+ youth exchange “Rights 4 Employment” was aimed at orienting young people from Armenia, Italy, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Romania on those issues.