Net(For)Work – A week to be remembered in Poland

Written by Tinerii 3D. Posted in Stories with #tinerii3d

24 participants from 12 different countries gathered in Murzasichle, Poland between the 22 and 28 of September for a contact making event called Net(For)Work. The event joined: trainers, youth leaders, project managers and youth workers. The goal was to build between the participants new partnerships, as well as motivate and raise competences needed to run Mobility Projects for Youngsters and Youth Workers within the frame of Erasmus + Program. The program was created by NGO SMIT “CREATOR” from Poland.

During the week participants were combining their new knowledge with their background skills to work as a team and to write several projects to apply within the Erasmus + Program. Also they acquired in various forms of non-formal education: knowledge about how to manage a Project and the various phases of constructing a Project.


The learning process was made during the whole week through different activities and methods, but also by sharing going on intercultural evenings.

Present as trainers of the hosting organization were Anna and Agnieszka. A super dynamic team very close and supportive of the entire group. Sharing work experience that made participants feeling very motivated and welcomed.

At the end of the week, participants were asked to create different types of dissemination techniques and methods. A booklet, an article and videos were created to share all the good work that went on during the amazingly interesting week in Poland. Is was notable that participants were a team in every sense of the word and were excited to carry on the ideas. Also was evident that the straightened relationships in the group are going to be a strong start for collaboration in the near future.

Link to the results of our project (project summaries): Netforwork.pdf

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Tinerii 3D

Educație, Cultură, Sport Ne găsiți pe și Facebook: Tinerii 3D

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