As we were partners in a super project we present you “Diversifi3D” Eramus+
With great success the Diversifi3D project finalized at the end of August 2018, leaving participants from Spain, Lithuania, Armenia, Romania and Greece with the best memories and impressions on 3D printing and exhibiting prehistoric objects. More than 42 youths aged between 15-22 years old, came to Drama region to set their hands on 3D printed cultural objects, promoting diversity and intercultural dialogue.
The need of human to express himself through Art was developed quite early in human time, which is reflected in the rock paintings and cave paintings dating up to the Paleolithic period (30,000-10,000 BC). The same art forms, is found scattered across the globe, which connects the people of that era in an unexpected way. This common history and art expression is a great opportunity for people to realize their common history and roots and understand that the human species comes from the same tree and that the existence of different cultures, religions and values developed worldwide are different branches from the same tree. It is very important to realize that although humans seem diverse, with different cultures and habits and different religions, they carry the same values, the same fears, the same basic needs and aspirations.
Day 1 – Day 3: The first days were introductory ones and ice-breakings, presentations about Prehistory took place and field visits at the mountain of Paggaio and the rock paintings of Krioneri in Kavala region.
Day 4 – Day 6: These days, were dedicated to skills development and 3D printing seminars and workshop sessions that helped participants express their non-verbal social skills and led to the use of high-end technologies to advance culture and enable social change in terms of the attitude towards antiquities and technology synergies.
Day 7 – Day 9: Two (2) more days were used to vision, plan, organize and realize a public exhibition of the 3D printed artifacts created during the project activities by all partners.
Participants were able to enrich their knowledge, skills and competences, becoming familiar with the prehistoric cultures through experiential learning and high-end technologies. They got a better understanding and responsiveness to social and cultural diversity while preserving their personal and cultural identity. Skills and competencies were developed with the use of 3D printing technologies of artifacts, a thrilling way to develop youth’s professional skills, corresponding to the future of cultural expression and awareness.
We asked the participants about what they thought of the project, the people and the organizing and this is what they replied:
Everything was so amazing! Thank you!!!
Thank you so much for letting me participate in this project , I loved it so much !!!
This is a unique experience that will enhance your knowledge and fill your head with excitement.
I am thankful of everything you’ve done for us, every single day was amazing with new interests and feelings. I am glad that i met such amazing people as you are.
The best project so far! Thank you!
You did a great job guys! I’m so glad I met all of you.
It was the best project
I would like to thank all of you about this amazing experience , this are the best days of the summer and this project will be unforgettable
You are the best!!
We would like to thank all the participants too and also all partners for their efforts and excellent cooperation. Thank you Asociación International Iniciatives for Cooperation Letur from Spain, Asociacija Apkabink Europa from Lithuania, Human Rights Research Center from Armenia and Asociatia Tinerii 3D from Romania.
More info and questions at
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