Press release: “Rights 4 Employment” Youth Exchange

Written by Tinerii 3D. Posted in News

Press release: “Rights 4 Employment” Youth Exchange

Craiova, Romania, 2-10 May 2017

At the beginning of May a group of youngsters from 6 countries – Romania, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Italy, Turkey and Armenia will gather in Craiova, Romania and discus the labour laws and their work opportunities.

The Erasmus+ Project “Rights 4 Employment” will take place in Craiova since 2nd of May until 10th of May. Asociația Tinerii 3D is the hosting organization. The youth exchange is organized as a Erasmus+ Project.

The project aims to increase knowledge and understanding about International Labour Standards on employment promotion and discrimination as well as health and social rights among young people. Participants will gain knowledge how to prepare their CV, write motivational letter or where to find job opportunities to enhance their chances of smooth transition to labour market, education or training. The youth exchange will also cover the problem of the career prospects of young people from the minority groups that are in highest risk of unemployment (refugees, Romani, those from orphanages of dysfunctional families). The project will be conducted through the means of non-formal education; this is different workshops, practical activities, discussions etc.

The partners of the project are: Just Go from Ukraine, Silver Fox North East CIC from United Kingdom, Youth4youth from Italy, Kadin Haklarini Koruma Dernegi Izmir Subesi from Turkey and Armenian Progressive Youth from Armenia.



Adrian Oprică – Project coordinator

Phone: +40 766 743 347


Monica Coșerean – Project coordinator II

Phone: +40 755 744 345



Tinerii 3D

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