Project “DobroTvorci” at the end

Written by Tinerii 3D. Posted in News

Successfully completed the implementation of the project “DobroTvorci” with number 2017-1-BG01-KA105-035874, funded under the Erasmus + Program.

The implementation of the project activities enabled 20 volunteers from Romania to participate in the preparation and realization of the Danube Waves Arts Festival, which in turn helped to form new knowledge and skills of the participants and provoked the expression of responsible civic attitude. The European Voluntary Service was held in Vidin for a period of 25 days – from 10.07.2017 to 03.08.2017.

The main goal of the project, namely to promote volunteering, we achieved by engaging young volunteers in the preparation and organization of the festival and incorporating them into creative and creative non-formal education activities as a synthesis of art that helped to form new knowledge and skills, аnd responsible citizenship. By bringing together the volunteers from Romania and young people from the local community, we have contributed to promoting solidarity and tolerance among young people from different countries.

Through the implementation of the project, we showed volunteers the benefits of community-based activities, exchanged experience and good practices, and improved our youth work skills. What young volunteers have given to the organization are not only good practices and tried-and-tested methods of work, but also inspiration, enthusiasm and a different worldview that hides the real wealth of intercultural communication.

As a result of the implementation of the planned activities the specific objectives of the project were achieved, namely:

  • Participants have improved their level of key competencies and skills in order to improve their personal development;
  • Intercultural dialogue;
  • Increase solidarity among young people;
  • Provide scope for personal expression, experience in another country, cooperation and synergy among young people;
  • Participating organizations have gained experience in implementing volunteer projects.

The realization of the “DobroTvorci” project has had a positive impact on the participants in the training dimension, and through the implemented activities contributed to the development of key competences acquired through the methods of non-formal education, namely:

  • – Ability to learn – During the implementation of the activities we stimulated the participants to organize their own learning process, to set goals and to achieve them, to use the acquired knowledge and skills, to be motivated and confident in themselves;
  • – Improved communication in a foreign language – Project activities took place in English, enabling participants to learn how to structure their speech in a foreign language and to use arguments using appropriate means of expression. All this has overcome the concerns of some of them to communicate in a foreign language, develop their communication skills and lead to a wider development of this competence;
  • – Social and civic skills – in the process of work, we carry out a number of activities that helped to build an active civic position for the participants in society. They had the opportunity to form and express an opinion on important issues. Developed competencies to solve problems in a non-conflictual way, to compromise, to overcome stereotypes, to understand and evaluate different cultures, to share European values, to make decisions, to take responsibility for them and to work in a team;
  • – Cultural competencies – the intercultural context in which the project activities developed and the exploration of their own cultural and cultural traditions, traditions and history improved and contributed to the cultural awareness and growth of the participants.

The implementation of the planned activities has enabled us to gain an insight into whether young people respond to non-formal education and how we can apply it to our activities in the future. We have received information about current topics among young people, and direct contact with them will allow us to choose the most appropriate approach to communicating with them in the future.

This project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus + Program. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission and can not be held responsible for the information contained therein.

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Tinerii 3D

Educație, Cultură, Sport Ne găsiți pe și Facebook: Tinerii 3D

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