Selecţie participanţi curs de pregătire în Bansko, Bulgaria

Written by Tinerii 3D. Posted in Oportunități pentru tineri

Titlul proiectului: “Explore your possibilities
Tipul proiectului: curs international
Data desfasurarii: 1-9 octombrie2014
Locatia desfasurarii: Bansko. Bulgaria
Numar de participanti: 3 persoane cu varsta peste 18 de ani (preferabil voluntari sau tineri interesati de tematica cursului)
Deadline inscrieri: pana in 15 septembrie 2014
Mancare, Cazare, Transport decontat 100%
Cazarea se face aici:
Este necesara cunoasterea limbii engleze la un nivel mediu (toate activitatile se vor desfasura in engleza)
Taxa de participare: 200 lei, respectiv 100 lei pentru membrii asociatiei
Pentru detalii va rugam contactati-ne la
Bansko Bulgaria
Detalii proiect (in engleza):

Training Course “Explore your possibilities” is about contributing to the increase of employment of youth citizens through working on acquiring new skills and knowledge which will help them raise self-esteem and will encourage them to take an active role in society and be initiators of positive change.

The type of project: Training and networking of youth workers – Partner Countries – Training Course. Our target group will be young people influenced by the problem of unemployment, low standard of living, low income and other social and economic issues.

The competences and topics we are working on in this project include: Communication skills, Management skills; CV writing and Cover Letter writing skills, preparation for job interviews, local and International support programmes for unemployed young people , Erasmus + programme and the opportunities given to unemployed young people, knowledge on Entrepreneurship and Writing Project proposals.

The main objectives of this project are:

  • raising awareness about different opportunities (useful information, support programmes, new skills and competences)
  • motivating and strengthening our participants in becoming active participants in their own communities
  • developing communication and management skills
  • fostering creative ideas for entrepreneurship as a way to overcome socio-economic issues among youngsters
  • promoting and encouraging active participation of young people in everyday life
  • supporting and stimulating mobility and mutual cooperation among European youth
  • promotion of Erasmus + and its possibilities

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Tinerii 3D

Educație, Cultură, Sport Ne găsiți pe și Facebook: Tinerii 3D

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