Selecţie voluntari Serviciul European de Voluntariat în Debrecen, Ungaria – 2 luni
Asociaţia Tinerii 3D cauta voluntar pentru un proiect Erasmus+ “Serviciul European de Voluntariat” in Debrecen, Ungaria pentru 2 luni.
Este asigurat transport international, transport public local, cazare, mancare, bani de buzunar, cursuri de limba ungara.
Conditii de indeplinit:- 17-30 ani
- open-mind
- interesat de alte culturi, viata sanatoasa si sport
- 1 Noiembrie 2015 – 29 Decembrie 2015- 2 voluntari romani
- 1 Februarie 2016 – 30 Martie 2016 – 2 voluntari romani
What is the project?
Our project takes place in Debrecen in the North-Plain region. During the one year project we host 10-10 European volunteers from 5 countries (Poland, Estonia, Romania, Spain, Slovenia) for 2-2 months in two turns. The aims are that the volunteers meet with the cultural diversity, learn tolerance, feel the social togetherness. Besides develop the labor market and the personal competencies, the language knowledge, build new contacts. Our goal to impact to the local community, promote the importance of healthy lifestyle and the running – as sport and hobby – and also the importance of interculturalism and the European identity.Volunteers can try themselves in different activities to reach these goals
- Promotional activities: Activities what can help to reach the project aims and the promotion of Erasmus+ program (taking photos, making videos, writing blogs, Facebook updates…).
- Program organizing activities: Planning, realizing and post producting actvities of the foot races and the closing ceremony (it’s just in the second tour in March). And volunteers can realize their own project what fits to their competencies.
- Presentation in schools: Volunteers do presentations and other activities in English in local high schools where they can show and promote for example the healthy lifestyle, the interculturalism and the national sports in interactive way, use non-formal methods.
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Comments (3)
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Aceasta programa este posibila pentu participanti din Moldova?
Adrian Oprică
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Toate proiectele ce le avem in desfasurare sunt pentru cetatenii Romaniei. In cazul in care ai dubla cetatenie exista posibilitatea de a participa ca si cetatean roman.
Anticariat online
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Interesanta ideea, era nevoie de asa ceva, cunoscandu-ne mai bine poate Europe trece mai usor de criza