Youth exchange ” We are one European world”

Written by Tinerii 3D. Posted in News, Noutăţi

Youth exchange ” We are one European world”
Sosnówka, Poland
Sapte zile, cinci tari si o singura misiune – un FLASHMOB.
Saptamana petrecuta in Polonia a fost una focusata pe multiculturalitate si exprimarea libera folosind arta. Obiectivele proiectului au fost indeplinite cu succes, iar pe langa rezultatul dorit, multe altele au fost obtinute. De-a lungul saptamanii toti participantii si-au prezentat traditiile tarilor din care provin, au prezentat obiecte traditionale tarii de provenienta, dar au si vizitat in grup organizat locurile invecinate. Regiunea Sosnówka este una ideeala unei experiente de neuitat. Prin urmare drumetiile de pe munte au fost de neuitat atat datorita minunatei privelisti, cat si datorita locurilor noi descoperite. Potecile batatorite au dezvaluit locuri special de rare  printre care: o  manastire veche, un parc national uluitor cu un drum lung la finalul caruia se afla un lac minunat, o bisericuta mica si un bar vintage si multe alte parti noi de oras.
Seven days, five countries and one mission - a FLASHMOB.
The week spent in Poland was one focused on multiculturalism and free expression through art. The objectives of the project have been successfully achieved, and besides the desired result, many others have been achieved. Throughout the week all the participants presented their traditions of the countries which they came from, presented traditional objects from the country of origin and also visited in an organized groups the neighboring places of the region. The Sosnówka region is an ideal one for an unforgettable experience. Therefore the hiking on the mountain were unforgettable both because of the wonderful views, as well as because of the new places discovered. The beaten paths revealed particularly rare places including: an old monastery, an amazing national park with a long road at the end of which is a wonderful lake, a small church and a vintage bar and many other new parts of the city.     Article by Roxana

Tinerii 3D

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