Implementing of AI project – New-Gen Innovators
Association ‘Bokaya’, Bulgaria and ‘Tinerii 3D’, Romania are implementing Project № 2023-1-BG01-KA151-YOU-000127411 under the ‘Erasmus+’ program, KA1/Youth.
A youth mobility is being implemented in Vidin, Bulgaria in the period 14.04.2024-01.05.2024. 14 young people from Bulgaria and 14 young people from Romania and one leader from each country participated in the activity.
The mobility was linked to the main objective of the project, namely promoting the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the professional skills and social engagement of young people and youth workers, through training and exchange programs between Bulgari and Romania.
The activities during the mobility were aimed at the implementation of the main and specific objectives of the project.
For more information:- Association ‘Bokaya’
- Association ‘Tinerii 3D’

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