Start of a project for integration of visually impaired children in the school system

Written by Tinerii 3D. Posted in News

At the beginning of 2023, Creative Center – Plovdiv, in partnership with the Regional Center for Supporting the Process of Inclusive Education – Plovdiv, Young Effect Association from Italy and the Romanian Asociația “Tinerii 3D” initiated the implementation of the ambitious project “Assisting The Process Of Integrating Children With Impaired Vision In School System”. The focus is on children with visual impairment at school age, their parents and families, teachers as well as experts in the field. The goal is to support the educational process of students with visual impairments by providing equal access to educational aids, supplementary literature and materials. This will be achieved by creating a supportive environment for their integration into the secondary education system. Among the specific objectives of the project are the adaptation of teaching aids and literature in an accessible format for visually impaired pupils, the creation of equal opportunities for them to integrate into the secondary education system, as well as supporting teachers, experts and families of these children in the development of a supportive environment. A web-based counselling platform for family members of visually impaired children will also be established, which will provide access to an extensive database of information resources. Also, teaching aids and literature will be adapted in an accessible format for visually impaired students. The project foresees the printing of educational literature in Braille. This project represents an important step towards creating a more inclusive educational environment for visually impaired children, as well as supporting their families and the educational experts who work towards their successful integration into the school system.  

The project “Assisting the process of integrating children with impaired vision in school system” (2022-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000088634) is co-funded by the EU Erasmus+ Programme. The views and opinions expressed are entirely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the EU or EACEA. They are not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the information.

Tinerii 3D

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