The thankful volunteer on board – Maricica Velicoglo
Volunteering with ESC is more than working without remuneration, as some people might think. From my personal experience, I can say that this is what educated me the most and helped to determine my life priorities. A few years ago, I had different principles to follow, focusing mostly on the formal learning and financial goals. Lately, through all the Erasmus+ opportunities, I realized that there are more sources of true happiness. Here I mean the connection with the nature, the healthy mindset, the gratitude received, life long friendship, the social impact you create.
One of the projects I took part recently was the short term ESC in Rzeszow, Poland. A place where I did many things for the first time. A few of them were stressful and unpleasant, but if you manage them smartly, you realize that they teach you the most.
The good memories made me sure I will never say no to an opportunity I can discover from. During the project time I managed, together with the international volunteers, to learn from each other, to create social content, to raise awareness about the volunteering, to prepare workshops, to take initiative, to visit great places, to be inspired by each other, to help the ones in need.
If there are people reading my words and are afraid of participation, I want to let you know that there is no reason to hesitate, you will always find support from the organizations and they will help you to discover your talents and to listen to your creative ideas.
To conclude, I would like to say to „Invest in the process, not the outcome”, so don’t be afraid to fill your life with the beauty of gratitude.
Made by Maricica Velicoglo.